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Oración por mi país

Creyendo en el destino Divino de los Estados Unidos de América y en la preservación de la libertad, la seguridad y la autoexpresión, ofrezco esta, mi oración por mi país:

Sé que la Inteligencia Divina gobierna el destino de los Estados Unidos de América, dirigiendo el pensamiento y la actividad de todos los que guían sus asuntos.


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I release the tendency to second guess anything. Instead, I am confident, capable, strong and authentic. Because I love myself, I allow God to express through me as wisdom and love. Everything in my world is in harmony, evolving exactly as it should. I am open and available to new ideas and areas of expression. The right people and situations cross my path continuously. I let go of anything that has blocked me and my desires. I grow in consciousness and attract new and prosperous ideas that flow from and are supported by Creative Intelligence. All unveils in perfect order. I am filled with the passion to share my Truth in a new and vibrant way. I carry a feeling tone of abundance in my heart. This deep feeling sense attracts an ever-expanding awareness of my magnificent good which manifests as my daily experiences. Something wonderful is always happening to me. I am joy filled, aware and alive. How good it is to realize this truth.

I am grateful for all the grace in my life.


With great ease, peace and thanks, I release
my word into the Law knowing it is already so. It is done. And so it is. Amen.

-Rev. Maryum Morse

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